Color Chips & Color Samples
Today the amount of choice in paint color and the amount of advice, tips, know-how's, and more are at times overwhelming. Making color choices shouldn't be that complicated. While important, color should be a decision that you are sure of, confident about, and satisfied with. Color simplified on your familiar paint sample tools with the addition of an adhesive backing, makes color easier to use, understand, and see than ever before.

Color chips are the most popular way for your consumers to make the right color choice. In order to do this, they need a color chip which matches the manufacturer’s specifications in color, sheen level and texture exactly – when your customer buys color chips for paint, what they see should be what they get in the final product.
Your reputation as the paint company depends on this.
CCI color chips are typically arranged in color systems which can be designed to your specifications.
CCI has the technical expertise to provide you with color chips with accurate color for your products.